Our health is largely determined by what we eat

Learn about the 13 Killer foods, the 12 Superfoods, and the right habits that can give you iron health.


If you are attentive to your well-being, you will certainly like this post.
In fact, it lists many Precious Tips to get back in shape with a healthy and natural diet together with some attitudes and precautions useful for maintaining health and well-being


Have you ever wondered why diseases such as obesity, diabetes, degenerative diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, intolerances and allergies, dental caries, water retention, circulatory problems, imperfect vision, skin rashes, constipation, diverticulitis are constantly increasing?

13 killer foods

These are the foods that you must eliminate from your diet as they are absolutely harmful to health.

Here they are:


1.  Refined sugar: calcium thief, strongly acidifying. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, cancer;

2.  Melted cheese and small cheeses: the worst among dairy products, they cause allergies, asthma, obesity;

3.  Mortadella, cotechino, and wurstel: the worst among sausages. They favor cholesterol, triglycerides, obesity;

4.  00 refined flour: diabetes, obesity, intolerances;

5.  Industrial snacks: obesity and diabetes;

6.  Broth cube (monosodium glutamate), portions of margarine and industrial oils: saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats;

7.  Industrial refined salt: hypertension;

8.  Spirits: damage to the liver and heart;

9.  Aspartame: turns into methanol and formaldehyde;

10.            Carbonated soft drinks: obesity, tooth decay, osteoporosis;

11.            Candies and chewing gum: obesity, tooth decay, osteoporosis;

12.            Flavored chips and popcorn: hypertension, obesity.

12 families of very healthy foods

These are foods to be privileged, on which to base daily nutrition:

1.  Sweet and semi-sweet raw fruit;

2.  Sour and semi-acid raw fruit;

3.  Oily raw fruit (such as avocado);

4.  Raw fruit vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, cucumbers);

5.  Raw leafy vegetables;

6.  Raw root vegetables (fennel, carrots, radishes, turnips, onion);

7.  Raw sprouts;

8.  Raw organic flowers;

9.  Raw wild herbs;

10.            Superfoods;

11.            Superb;

12.            Alkaline ionized water.